Thursday, January 30, 2014

Positive Social Media

In the last 5 days, I put up 2 positive posts on my social media outlets. What happened to those things?  Well they both turned negative.

Tell me how this is right?  This is why I hate social media. People take the wrong thing out of what I post. I don't really understand why people do this. People make it all about them a lot of the time. We'll if you want to make it about you put something on your page. This is my page.  It's about me.

Don't come to my page and offend me about something positive in my life. I don't want nor need that in my life.

I'm in charge of me. You're in charge of you.

There's a reason why I keep my friend circles small. People annoy me. Some people just can't take care of issues themselves. This last year I've made a ton of friends. I've grown a lot.  It's made me realize that I can't take care of everyone's problems. We are in our 30 ' s now for the most part.  It's time to handle life.  If you don't start will never do it.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I AM Happy.

This blog, makes me come off as seeming like an unhappy person. I really am happy. I just have interactions with people, that leave me wanting to vent. Without ruining my marriage, complaining about every little thing.

Since this is my space, I'm going to do it here. It's not meant to offend anyone, or call out anyone specifically. Most things I "whine" about a LOT of people do, not one person.

I can go about my life, and laugh my life away. I just want to be happy, and not feel like I'm trying to impress the rest of the world. Things have been really hard friendship wise, and getting people to understand me. I'm not a grumpy person. Just don't continually bug me. Get your life together! Get your priorities straight. PLEASE!!

Don't ask me to do everything. I will burn out. I will burn out with blogging, I will burn out on volunteering, I will burn out on our friendship. That would just SUCK! :)


I am a say what I feel type of person. Sorry if that offends you.

I'm reading over an old blog that I used to actively keep up, before I moved over to here. WOW! I used to write well! I used to write a LOT. Blogging has turned into a terrible chore. Absolutely terrible.

I must revert back to the "good" blogging, and get my "new" friends learn the real me. I'm not some sugar coated nice person...that can occasionally be funny. Really I have a lot of pent up aggression.

Now here's the kicker. The same thing I complained about almost THREE!! years ago, people are still doing to me. Why does it get me so upset? Why do I still keep wasting my time doing it? It's not just one or two people, it's quite a bit. Maybe it's a couple people more than others, but I give advice non stop to most people and they keep asking for it, but they never give a damn to listen to me. I'm done doing it. I have my own life to live.

So from now on, when I meet up with friends, it'll simply be talking about positive things. Talking about only positive things going on in their life. Any thing negative I will tune out. If their grandma died, sure we can talk about it. I just don't want people bringing me down in my life anymore, and I don't want to be getting upset at people, and complaining passively agressively on twitter. So this is my action i'm taking on it.

My friends will understand.

Maybe they will understand my orneriness a little better. It's mostly cause I can't handle myself. I will stand up to people, and tell them NO! Don't talk to me about that.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just Stop

There are few things that bother me.  I'm sure I've posted about them before, but right now I want to talk about them.

1- People's annoying need to be right. I leave a bucket somewhere full of drinks for a luncheon. It wasn't where someone else wanted them. She moved the bucket literally 3 inches. It was in the middle of a huge room. How big of a difference is that 3 inches going to make? Honestly?  All that it's going to do is eat at my insides. Some people have issues when they feel like their wrong about something.  That's just one example. There's lots more.

2- Be respectful to everyone. We are for the most part equal. Every one you would interact with on a day to day basis is most likely the same as you. Just because they might not be as skinny as you or do their makeup the way that the world no reason to treat them differently. If you want to treat them differently do it in a positive light. Don't look down on them. Don't boss them around. Don't think less of them. Chances are, they're so much better than you'll ever be and are probably a lot happier because they didn't spend 2 hrs caking their face in makeup or ignoring their kids working out for 4 hrs a day to weigh 115 lbs when they're 5 ft 9.

Am I bitter?  No!  Do I think I can change the world with 1 blog post? Absolutely not!  I just think people are rude. I want to be respected. I deserve to be respected. I teach my children to respect all people no matter what. I was always taught to respect my elders. I wasn't taught to respect those younger than me that may be more successful than me. However lots of people younger than me are more successful than I am. I admire those people and long to have successes of my own one day.  Successful people need to have respect for the people that help them get them where they are.

I don't want to be yelled at, talked down to, or have anything expected of me if that person talking to me isn't willing to do it themselves. Don't dish it out, if you can't eat off that plate.

I am a sensitive person when it comes to getting my feelings hurt, but I can also be rude to people at times. I don't like fake people. Don't be nice to me, because you think you have an image to uphold. You don't. If you don't like me, I don't care. I probably don't like you either!   I'm a pretty good judge of character and know pretty fast if we will be friends or not.

All of this being said, I know that I can be a hurtful person in my words as well. It is something I have been working on for 2014. Know though,  if you're continually acting a fool, you're setting yourself up and there's only so much I can take.  Be true to who you are. Take care of your body. Take care of your brains. It's all you got. I've been so sick in the last 3 months it's really opened me up to this.  Take care of it now. Get good habits now. Eat healthy now. Teach your kids young. I'm not an advocate for exercise or healthy eating. I'm just saying... take care of yourself. You're the only you, that you get.

...more to come. It's just 230 in the morning and I'm tired. And brain dead. I gotta take care me brain!

(Mobile post)