Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Pinterest!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Simple Tip...

Use Pinterest!

Its a great website, where there are many tips, and ideas for many, many things. There are also great quotes, and funny pictures and quotes.

I could waste all day playing on the site. They've been busy upgrading servers and the website recently, so lots of people have been complaining. However, I seem to not be having too many issues. Plus its a free site, so why complain?! There's a widgit that I've added to my browsers where if I see something on a website I want to save, I add it to my pinboards. :) Totally awesome, instead of clogging up my "Favorites Sites". You can follow your friends, or popular blogs/websites. Great idea this pinterest!!!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Also, if you need an invite, let me know, I'll invite you, since it is invite only, right now. :)

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